Treating parents:
§ The Prophet once exclaimed: 'Shame on him! Shame on him! Shame on him' When asked who the man in question was, the prophet replied, he is one who had both or one of his parents with him in their old age, yet he failed to enter paradise'
Treating non-muslim relatives:
§ Asma bint Abu Bakr related how her foster mother, a believer in polytheism (shirk), had come to her during the period of the Treaty of Al-Hudaybyyah. Concerned that her foster mother was a polytheist, she addressed the Prophet: 'O Messenger of God, my idolatrous mother has come to me and wants something from me. Should I give it to her?' 'Yes, treat her well' Replied the Prophet.
§ According to Jarrir ibn Abdillah, when he asked the Prophet about a man's gaze falling inadvertently on a strange woman, the Prophet replied: 'Turn yours away'.
§ How to choose a wife:
Do not marry women for their beauty, it is possible that their beauty may destroy them. Do not marry them for their wealth. It is possible that their wealth may make them rebellious. Instead, marry them on the basis of their faith. And a black maid who is a believer is much better for you'
§ Treating woman:
- A man who has two wives, but does not give them equal treatment, will find half his body lost on the Day of Judgment
- A believer should never loathe a believing wife. If one quality in her does not find favor with her husband, some other qualities will be to his liking.
Islamic Morals…
§ Avoid falling under suspicion. For suspicion does the worst damage. Do not inquire into the lives of others. Do not pry. Do not exaggerate what others say. Bear each other's interests. And by being brothers to each other become the servants of God.
§ Should I not tell what is the best charity? To spend on the daughter who has been turned to you (a divorced or a widowed daughter), when there is no one else to earn for her.
§ According to Anas ibn Malik, when God's Messenger said: 'help your brother, irrespective of whether he is the oppressor or the oppressed' a man said :'O Messenger of God, I can help the Oppressed, but how can I help the oppressor?' The Prophet replies :'Stop him from committing an act pf oppression. That in itself a form of help'
§ According to Abdullah ibn Abbas, the Prophet cursed those men who try to resemble women and women who try to resemble men.
§ When a man spends on his family members, with the intention of seeking God's pleasure, then his spending becomes an act of charity.
§ When the prophet was asked which form of Islam was better, he replied:' To feed the people and extend greetings of peace to them-be they of you acquaintance or not-'
Animals Rights…
According to Suhayl when God's Messenger passed by a camel and noticed that it has become so thin that its back and stomach seemed to be touching, he said:'fear God when dealing with these beasts. Mount them when they are in good condition, and leave them in that same state'.
Selected and treated by: Djaber Nacer Bouhedjam
djaber-n@yahoo.com ; http://www.veecos.net/
Compiled by: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
GoodwordBooks. New Delhi
§ The Prophet once exclaimed: 'Shame on him! Shame on him! Shame on him' When asked who the man in question was, the prophet replied, he is one who had both or one of his parents with him in their old age, yet he failed to enter paradise'
Treating non-muslim relatives:
§ Asma bint Abu Bakr related how her foster mother, a believer in polytheism (shirk), had come to her during the period of the Treaty of Al-Hudaybyyah. Concerned that her foster mother was a polytheist, she addressed the Prophet: 'O Messenger of God, my idolatrous mother has come to me and wants something from me. Should I give it to her?' 'Yes, treat her well' Replied the Prophet.
§ According to Jarrir ibn Abdillah, when he asked the Prophet about a man's gaze falling inadvertently on a strange woman, the Prophet replied: 'Turn yours away'.
§ How to choose a wife:
Do not marry women for their beauty, it is possible that their beauty may destroy them. Do not marry them for their wealth. It is possible that their wealth may make them rebellious. Instead, marry them on the basis of their faith. And a black maid who is a believer is much better for you'
§ Treating woman:
- A man who has two wives, but does not give them equal treatment, will find half his body lost on the Day of Judgment
- A believer should never loathe a believing wife. If one quality in her does not find favor with her husband, some other qualities will be to his liking.
Islamic Morals…
§ Avoid falling under suspicion. For suspicion does the worst damage. Do not inquire into the lives of others. Do not pry. Do not exaggerate what others say. Bear each other's interests. And by being brothers to each other become the servants of God.
§ Should I not tell what is the best charity? To spend on the daughter who has been turned to you (a divorced or a widowed daughter), when there is no one else to earn for her.
§ According to Anas ibn Malik, when God's Messenger said: 'help your brother, irrespective of whether he is the oppressor or the oppressed' a man said :'O Messenger of God, I can help the Oppressed, but how can I help the oppressor?' The Prophet replies :'Stop him from committing an act pf oppression. That in itself a form of help'
§ According to Abdullah ibn Abbas, the Prophet cursed those men who try to resemble women and women who try to resemble men.
§ When a man spends on his family members, with the intention of seeking God's pleasure, then his spending becomes an act of charity.
§ When the prophet was asked which form of Islam was better, he replied:' To feed the people and extend greetings of peace to them-be they of you acquaintance or not-'
Animals Rights…
According to Suhayl when God's Messenger passed by a camel and noticed that it has become so thin that its back and stomach seemed to be touching, he said:'fear God when dealing with these beasts. Mount them when they are in good condition, and leave them in that same state'.
Selected and treated by: Djaber Nacer Bouhedjam
djaber-n@yahoo.com ; http://www.veecos.net/
Compiled by: Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
GoodwordBooks. New Delhi