Because of the weakness in determining the goals, a person who forges instantaneous goals for his life, and works hard to achieve it, always finishes by saying: “is this all what is there”. In this context “Roger Merrill” mentions a story describing this matter:
“in one of driving training programs, a person came to me asking to tell me something. We went to a beautiful place, and started talking, when I looked to this person it was difficult to guess what kind of problem he wanted to talk about. He was good looking, in his fifties, he works as vice president of an international company, and has got a happy family. He was one of those who contributed effectively in this training program.
He started talking: “I felt unsatisfaction everyday we proceeded in the program, my problem began in the practices of the first day”.
He started narrating a part of his personal life. He grew in a small town in the western middle, he was a sportsman and a successful student, after that he went to the university, where he was active, he joined many clubs and associations, after that he got a big job, a wife, a child, traveling abroad, preferment, a new house, and another child, then preferment to vice president. I was listening to all this, waiting to know: what is the problem? Or in other word, what is the disaster that destroyed him, and turned over the world around him.
Finally, he said: “my problem is that my life is full of beautiful things (...) but when you asked us to think deeply to determine the essential things in the life, I was astonished, when I was young there was an issue, a goal, and meaning to this world (...) in recent years that meaning, that goal, or that issue disappeared from my life, feeling the security stupefied me(...)” ”.
This incident is a vivid example of the relation of the westerner with life and after life, and an evidence of the emptiness that he suffers from, because he follows his lusts, and seeks all kinds of pleasure.
Consequently, the westerner entered the third millennium, and hasn’t got answers for the issues concerning the unseen, so he became disappointed, and lives aversely “pain, suffering, death, and especially loosing the direction of life (…), so he has to work to establish new values in the next century, and has to choose his own direction for himself.
But how can he do that and he ignores God, the Hereafter, and religion,…?
from: "حدد غايتك" by Dr Baba ami med, translated by Djaber Nacer Bouhedjam from "Determine your Finality".
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