It was a long duration that I spent trying to introduce Islam to a non-muslim. I found it an opportunity to do something for this person, for my beloved teacher, for my nation and above all in the sake of my Merciful God. I tried my best to be clear and useful in giving information and in answering the questions I received, because I feared to be the cause that someone hates Islam.
The beginning was in October 2008, when a Romanian girl wanted a chat on skype. As I do with everybody I accepted the invitation and tried to know what she wants. As I set as a problematic for my on-going research that the majority of skype users prefer to talk to the opposite sex (I am still investigating this hypothesis).
We started the chat about general and variant topics, I tried to find a point where I can talk about religious matters as I noticed later that she is an orthodoxy. I liked to talk about this topic also because I wanted to know about others beliefs.
The chat went on for nearly 17 months with an average of 2 hours per day. It was a clear and a direct discussion, expressing our different points of view. But unfortunately after this long period I couldn’t move further to my Goal. The girl was firmly attached to her religion, because she doesn’t believe in Islam as she call it “an established religion not a true one”. Although I can say that she learnt some issues about Islam.
The questions rose after analyzing this experience were; what was wrong in my introduction about Islam, is it my lack of communication? Or the strong belief of the other part was the cause? Or may be there is something external that interrupted receiving the message?
The Lack of communication:
Yes maybe is the cause. The girl one day was angry, because she interpreted the link I sent her as forcing her to revert to Islam. Later she set some issues that seems to her that are against women, like: polygamy, the witness of women, the marriage of the prophet PBUH with Aisha and Zayneb... etc. I quoted what some muslim scholars said concerning these issues, but later I received her E-mail saying that my answers made things worse then before. Is it because I didn’t know how to quote?
The belief of the girl:
The girl as I mentioned before is an orthodoxy. The word orthodox literary means: (of, pertaining to, or conforming to the approved form of any doctrine, philosophy, ideology, etc)(1) , so it suggests that this girl considers that she is on the right path, so she is not ready to listen to what other religions says. I set a hypothesis that the orthodoxy are the most people who are not easy to revert to Islam. I collected the list of new muslim converts I found that among the 56 person 7 are orthodox(2) .
The external causes:
Once I asked this girl about her opinion about Islam, she sent to me a link and said: “Here is a link, what our orthodoxy teach about Islam. You can read it, because I believe the same, what our Holy Church teaches us”(3) . I analyzed the article she sent and understood according what she reacted in the discussion we had. The article gives false information about Islam, for example: “The religion of Islam is predominantly a distortion of the Old Testament Mosaic religion and the (Pharisaic) Talmudic religion, to which was also added a dose of the pre-Islamic Arabian pagan customs, and a light sprinkling of heretical teachings about Christ”(4). So according to this, Islam distorted both Judaism and Christianity and is a continuity of Paganism. This may raise hatefulness and Islam phobia. The article and the teaching of the church could convince its adherents by touching and twisting the true bases of Islam, such as the spread of Islam, the revelation and the life of the prophet PBUH. I would mention only one quotation to see how intelligent was the church to make people away from believing anything about this religion. It is said that: “Mohammed's lineage, and that of many inhabitants of Arabia, was from Abraham's maid Hagar; she bore Ishmael, of whom the Angel prophesied in Gen. 16:12 that he will be a "wild man, his hand will be against every man and every man's hand will be against him".
It is true that I might be incapable in introducing Islam as it should be, because of bad transmitting of the message and because of the church teachings, but also the bad situation of muslims in the world (weakness, uncivilized, ..etc) helped in conception of the bad image.
(1)- http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/orthodox
(2)- http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_converts_to_Islam
(3)- An e-mail received in april 8th 2010.
(4)- http://www.trueorthodoxy.org/non_christian_islam.shtml
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