O! muslim boy, Palestinian or Algerian, Turkish or Egyptian, Saudian or Iranian… know that all our plans are directed to you and all our energy is focused on you. We want you illiterate and coward.. We want you hypocrite and vagabond…
We want you a feet lover till kneeling… and pens reluctant till its breaking..
We want you lazy in learning. We want you passive just watching what’s happening..
Don’t think about your happiness, nor about your country’s glory, just grow up on our way. Hold high position for our sake. Be an abject servant in our eyes, and you’ll –absolutely- gain our satisfaction.
Be –O! muslim boy- when you grow, a war against your religion and your nation. Be an enemy to your Holy Book and to your prophet. Be peace to the unchaste and the unjust. ….
O! muslim boy, we wandered your home, and we were welcomed by all. We were helped by spies. And we were gifted your country’s resources thanks to the liars and the betrays.
This golden era lasted, till we thought it will never end. From 47 to 67 and what was between them and what came after, we were heroes in your eyes, and noble people in the world’s. The laws were stepped on for us, and the international agreements were broken for our satisfaction…
We were… and we were… but, -O! muslim boy- it seems that we are losing the control, we are being defeated. We are being inside disrupted. Lebanon and Gaza –and others- gave us a tough course.
Today, this convoy come carrying those noble men. Do you think that we are silly to let them pass to their goal?
It would be the catastrophe!!
The best solution is to kill them and tell the world that they are terrorists and that we are oppressed. We have done the same with the prophets in the history. And we are sure that the negligent will trust us. Your countries are full of such.
Beware –O! muslim boy- to follow the steps of the persistent or to join the resistant… if you do so… be sure that it is your end.
An answer from the boy will be next..
An answer from the boy will be next..
The answer of the muslim boy to the Israeli chief of general staff
O! You –the evil and bad people- we know you as well as we know ourselves. Our Holy book talked about you. Our beloved prophet pointed out your bad intentions. Do you remember the humiliation you received from Salahuddine?!..
We are coming –O! cowards- to free Gaza and Palestine inchallah. Wait your fate, we don’t fear death.
You tasted humiliation –from our hands- twice; the first in Lebanon and the second in Gaza, and still you’ll taste it many times. Today is the world’s role to do it for you. Turkey is the army of victory revived and a troop of a coming triumph…
I am preparing to meet you; striving in my study, observing my values and morals. I love all good people, and love to do good for all.
I am watching you, an eye here the other over there, desiring to meet you and to meet your sons and grand sons. They are frightened like a wet chicken and easy broken like a boiled eggs… with empty hearts and void minds. They have no concern and no purpose. May Allah bestow on them a wear of humiliation.
Wait us .. we are waiting!
Dad and mom, .. my teacher, seek to teach me, to educate me..teach me how to be patient and how to help people be so. Help me to strive and to control my desires. Prepare me for that day, so I ca be a good leader who can defeat the occupiers.
Don’t let me a victim of nonsense, don’t let me a target of the corruptive players and artists. Be my guard I’ll be your hope. Be my castle I’ll be your citadel.
Only at that time we can declare:
“Salahuddine is shining from amongst the woe, and “al faith” is born from the womb of the nation. At that time we can say, Allah’s promise becomes a reality: “and surely Allah will help him who helps His cause; most surely Allah is Strong, Mighty”, “and on that day the believers shall rejoice, with the help of Allah; He helps whom He pleases”
Have you understood the course you stupid Israeli?
I don’t think so, you didn’t understand the heaven message, so I think it is difficult to understand anything else.
Wait us … we are waiting.
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