28 Sept 2008

Is there any Greater than Him ( PBUH)?

"If greatness of the purpose, smallness of the means and outstanding results are the three criteria of human genius , who could dare to compare any great man in modern history , with Muhammad ? ( Lamartine ends his lengthy segment of literary master piece with the words ) : "…..Philosopher , Orator , Apostle , Legislator , Warrior , Conqueror of ideas , Restorer of national beliefs , of a cult without images : The Founder of twenty terrestrial empires and of one spiritual empire , that is Muhammad. As regards all standards by which human greatness may be measured, we may well ask, is there any man greater than he? " (Lamar tine " Hstoire de La Turquie" Paris 1854).


19 Sept 2008

The Military Activities:Jihad or Terrorism ?

Perhaps of the most striking issue in the modern history and the biography of the Prophet (PBUH) is the military one. The enemies of Muslims are continuously accusing them to be terrorists and our religion to be imposed by the sword. Moreover, they rely on the ayahs of Jihad, which are found in the holy Quran.


The Prophet: a Sword of Mercy

Of the various things that make any Muslim, or sometimes-even non-Muslim, proud of the Prophet (PBUH) is his mercy even in the war .For he was the first one to produce and respect human rights and the morals of wars.

Read here:

12 Sept 2008

Muhammad P.B.U.H ;a Prophet and a great Politician

Have we reached the point that the sons of the one country like Iraq and Palestine are unable to co-exist and still sinking in their bloods behind their ethnic groups and views? Though the great teacher PBUH has already set an example in co-existence and social harmony between Almuhadjirin(emigrants) and Al’ansar ( people of Madina) and even the Jews. Moreover, he solved serious social problems and even set the first fair constitution in the world in a very critical condition. Isn’t high time for our brothers to learn the moral? Let’s see how was that?

**.**: read here..